HOLLOW CROWN OF FIRE Lecture at Pacifica Graduate Institute December 8, 2021
HOLLOW CROWN OF FIRE Interview with Barbara Hort
New Dimensions Radio Interviews
Curriculum Vitae
Other Resources/Skills

Psychodramaturgy is a new theater practice developed over the past ten years by Dr. Barbara E. Hort, a Jungian psychologist, and Chris Coleman, the Artistic Director for the Theatre Company at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Psychodramaturgy provides theater artists with information about the psychological dynamics of the play they are producing, so that they may deepen and extend the range of their theatrical storytelling.

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, is a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, professor of psychiatry and the University of California Medical Center, and an internationally known lecturer. Dr. Bolen famously brings an emphasis on the quest for meaning and the need for a spiritual dimension in life to all aspects of her work, while also taking into account the powerful effects of archetypes within us and culture upon us. Additionally, she has been an advocate for women's issues, and ethics in psychiatry.

New Dimensions Radio
Since 1973, New Dimensions Radio has conducted deep dialogues with some of the world's most innovative, enlightened, and trustworthy wisdom leaders. It disseminates the program series to over 300 public radio stations and other platforms including streaming, and it has digitized over 1700 programs that are available in its archive. Please tune in to our nationally broadcast interviews at New Dimensions Radio and our more informal interviews at New Dimensions Café.